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As a Customer Success Representative at Voiply, I take pride in building rapport and creating positive experiences for my customers. I believe that our choices define who we are, which is an important lesson I learned from Harry Potter, and a value that has deeply impacted my life.
In my free time, I enjoy shopping and gaming on my PC or PlayStation. Reading books such as Harry Potter, The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani, and The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins has also had a significant impact on me.
Working at Voiply pushes me to be creative and think on my feet, even when faced with challenging situations. For instance, I have dealt with difficult agents in the past, but I managed to overcome that obstacle and create a better working environment. The pay and the free catering are just some of the perks of my job, but what I value the most is the rewarding experience it provides me.
When it comes to balancing work with social and personal commitments, I’m still learning to navigate, but I always try to make time for my hobbies. I have a passion for a creative outlet that helps clear my mind from work. As for staying motivated, I focus on being grateful for what I have, while also realizing that unemployment is not an option.
If I were to give advice to someone new at Voiply, I would tell them to persevere, despite the challenges. It is a hard job, but highly rewarding, and it does get better with time. I take pride in my role as a Customer Success Representative, as I strive to achieve a positive outcome during every call. My ability to end calls on a positive note, regardless of the difficulty, is one of the unique traits that set me apart.
Throughout my professional growth, Barack Obama, a world leader who seems to have broken glass ceilings, has been an important figure to me. I respect him for his ability to inspire change and push people to pursue their goals.
My childhood dream profession was to become a fashion designer or artist, but as it turns out, I found my passion in customer service. To stay up-to-date with changes and ensure future success, I ask my peers and seek feedback for ways to improve.
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